
B2B Marketing Basics & Best Practices

What exactly is business-to-business (B2B) marketing? Let’s first start by defining the term “marketing.” Marketing is the process of promoting goods or services that satisfy a customer’s wants and needs. According to educator Peter Drucker, the purpose of a business...

Pivoting Your Career And Job Search Podcast

We have partnered up with Manufacturers Alliance and we are excited to bring our second podcast. This time we talk all about Pivoting Your Career And Job Search. Learn how to better research potential employers and market yourself to them. Sit back, relax, and enjoy...

Making The Most Of Landing A Job Interview

For those seeking a new job, interviews present themselves as a goal that comes with significant anxiety. The interviewee is put on the spot and asked a battery of questions, and the high-stakes nature of needing a new job simply adds to the stress. The “What Color Is...